
Tasks List - Common & Visual Tasks List

  What Are Tasks? Main Objective For Crewmates Tasks are short mini-games which Crewmates need to complete in order to win the game. A task gauge is displayed in the upper-left corner and will increase whenever a Crewmate completes a task.  Once the gauge is full, the Crewmate team wins! Even if you're killed by an Imposter, you can still contribute to your team by completing tasks while dead! Don't just float there helplessly - help out!You Can Complete Task As A Ghost Practice Tasks In Freeplay Mode If you are not familiar with tasks, you can practice by yourself in Freeplay mode. Select the task you want to practice from the laptop in the Cafeteria and select Customize. Get to know  each map  and where to go before playing with others online! Visual Tasks What Are Visual Tasks? Visual tasks are just like regular tasks, except  players that are around you can if you have successfully done these tasks.  This means that if you're an imposter and are faking doing a task, you